How to Choose Your Real Estate Sign Design

Quality real estate signs are a tried-and-true method of connecting your property directly to potential clients. Putting a sign up outside a house isn’t going to be enough though, and what if you’re selling commercial properties? A small 18” x 24” board might not be seen as easily.

There are many different options realtors should consider when designing a real estate sign. Color, text size, font, and which type of sign you use are all important in grabbing people’s attention. Durability and transportability of a material is also something that you need keep in mind. You don’t want it to look destroyed after it sits outside for one day. Throughout this article, we’ll outline some tips for designing your real estate sign.

Design of Your Sign

One of the most important aspects of real estate sign design is readability. On paper this may seem simple – larger font size, black text on white background – but gaining a potential client’s interest is no easy feat. Making the text bigger may make it easier to read, but easier readability doesn’t make it eye-catching. You need to use contrast and interesting design in order to spark as much interest as you can.

Less can be more in design. Color blocking is one of the easiest ways to catch passersby attention through large blocks of color. Use the colors in your logo or colors that complement it. Carefully placed blocks of colors are wildly popular in modern design. Using this color blocking will help you grab interest without spending too much time and effort.

If you are working for a large real estate company with a good reputation, you may want to highlight that in your design. Many people shop by brand. If the company you work for has a trustworthy reputation, it’s important to capitalize on that. Having your employer’s logo front and center on your real estate sign can help gain traffic to your property.

Yard sign inserts are a great and simple way to grab people’s attention when selling a residential property. They’re comprised of two parts: the board and a simple metal wire piece that can be inserted into the ground easily. These signs are easy to set up and can quickly be put up outside your property.

If you are selling a commercial property, having larger sign panels can help you stand out. A smaller 24-inch board works in a residential area, but in order to capture a buyer’s attention for a larger property, a large sign with large text and good contrast can help buyers see it as they’re driving by. Having your commercial sign be 96” x 48” or larger can make it stand out on the side of the road instead of having it blend in.

Including photos of the interior of the property could really help it stand out. Most signs are simple text with your business’ phone number, a photo of the real estate agents, and your logo. Taking professional pictures of the property and putting them front and center could really catch people’s attention. This especially works with homes that aren’t finished yet. Purchasing professional renderings of the home’s finished interior can get people excited. This allows you to get a head start on generating clients months before the property is finished.

The sign itself isn’t the only thing you should take time to design, though. Sign riders can be a good tool to keep passersby invested in the property. Some would demonize riders, saying they’re too difficult to read from far away and that they should be ditched all together. However, riders are an easy way to quickly update information on your sign. Instead of not using them all together, consider designing the riders to match up with the rest of your sign. Instead of putting the iconic red ‘sold’ rider on the side, make it work for your sign. If you have a black and blue sign with white text, switch the rider to black, white, and blue to match.

Open Houses

Sometimes having your real-estate sign posted on the lawn out front isn’t enough to get people to check out an open house. Open house signs are a good way of making sure that interested clients know that they are welcome to check out the property.

How you announce the open house is important. A great way to get people to come to your open house is through the real estate sign that you have posted outside. Adding a rider with ‘open house’ on it could work but creating a new sign helps draw even more eyes to your property.

Printing the information for the open house in dark text over a lightly colored background draws the eye to your sign. This also makes the text easy to read for people driving by the house you’re selling.

Directional signs are one of the best ways for a realtor to grab interest for an open house. Having a group of signs posted around the area that directly point clients to your property is incredibly helpful in generating buzz about your open house. These shouldn’t just be simple arrows pointing in a direction though. Your directional signs should pop just as much as the sign right outside of your property. That way, much more people will be intrigued and come to visit the open house.

Using A-frame signs is an easy way of posting directional signs around the neighborhood. They are heavy-duty and weighted, so you don’t need to worry about them blowing over in the wind. They also allow for re-use. You can print out custom labels and insert them into the face of the sign itself when you’re done with the old design. A-frames are self-supporting as well, making them easy to set up and take down.

Adding a QR code is a great way to keep a client’s interest after the first glance. QR codes allow for interested prospects to learn more about the property you’re selling at the tap of your phone. This way potential clients can read more about your business or the property you’re selling. Linking the QR code to details about the open house is a way to spread more buzz about your property. If you are tech-savvy, this is an amazing way for you to get a lot more information to interested parties.

Board Material

Material is also an extremely important factor to consider during the design process. If you choose the wrong material, your real estate sign’s design won’t look shiny and new for very long. You also don’t want to use a material that is difficult to handle or transport. Then comes the question of what you’re using it for. Some materials are better as a short-term solution, while others are a bit pricier, so you’re going to want to get as much use out of them as you can.

PVC signs are extremely versatile in how they can be used. PVC can be formed into many different thicknesses, and because of this can be used for many different purposes. It is also very lightweight. This allows for ease of transport and ease of mind if you hang it on a swinging arm post. It’s also durable and affordable. If you need to hang a real estate sign, PVC is one of the best materials you can use.

If you’re looking for material that has higher durability than plastic with the ease of transport of cardboard, you likely want to use coroplast. Coroplast is manufactured in a process that is very similar to the way cardboard is made, where a sheet of plastic is zig-zagged through the center of two other sheets. This makes coroplast extremely durable compared to cardboard, as paper is easily broken down with water. Coroplast gains all the structural integrity that cardboard gains from its brilliant design but uses plastic instead of paper. This one material switch makes coroplast extremely durable.

Coroplast isn’t just durable though. The way it’s manufactured also makes it lightweight, and the holes on the sides caused by the zig-zagging plastic makes it easy to put it up on metal posts or hung on poles. It can also be made with additives that make it more UV-resistant. This will make your sign’s design last a lot longer when placed outside.

Styrene isn’t like a lot of other board materials. Styrene is an extremely flexible and durable material that can be folded and rolled up without leaving any marks on the design itself. It’s also waterproof and easily transported, as it can be rolled up and easily stored. It also has a nice gloss to it. However, styrene is prone to UV damage. While it may look good in the sun at first, you may want to put it in the shade of a tree if you want it to last as long as possible. Despite this, Styrene is still a good option for the material that will stand out because of the thinness of the material.

You’ve likely seen foam core signs before, and for good reason. These boards are comprised of a dense foam center sandwiched between two thick sheets of paper. This material is made of 95% air, so they are extremely easy to move around. Foam core boards are also easy to laminate, which could give it a bit more shine and catch the attention of more people. The Styrofoam core, while not as dense and durable as a lot of other materials, works great as a short-term solution. Use them as an easy to transport open house sign and take them down the following day.

Dibond signs are an amazing option for those who don’t mind spending a bit extra to make your them stand out and stand the test of time. Dibond signs are made of an aluminum composite material. Unlike other aluminum signs, Dibond is lightweight because of the plastic core. These signs are made from a polyethylene core – one of the most common and durable plastics – sandwiched between two sturdy aluminum sheets. This combination may not be the easiest to transport, but its metal exterior makes its durability unmatched. Not only that, but the finish of this material is metallic. If you want them to literally outshine the competition, Dibond may be the material for you.

Best Printed Signs has a wide selection of materials you can use for your real-estate design. Once you have your design created with your name and contact information on it, our industry leading professional team will print it out and put it onto the material of your choice. Our website offers wide selection of open house signs, yard signs, directional signs, sign frames, banners, reflective signs, business cards, riders, and much more. Using Best Printed Sign’s custom sign creator, your realtor sign will be done in no time. Use Best Printed Signs today!

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